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It’s well known that the service industry, especially hospitality, was impacted heavily with COVID lockdowns and restrictions over the past few years. Unfortunately, as a result a significant number of experienced and valuable personnel left the service industry in search of more secure employment. Since then, staffing has been a challenge, especially in regional areas where rental accommodation can be extremely difficult to find. So, we know the challenges, however we need to get past these, move forward and work with what is available to us.

Customer Service – Where to start

In my experience as a hospitality staff trainer, one of my starting points for re-training staff is to have the team welcome every person that enters a venue, no matter how busy they are. That welcome can be as simple as “hello, welcome. I will be with you in just a minute”. People understand that many places are struggling to attract good staff, but there is no excuse for the staff that you do have, not taking the time to greet each person.

Setting service expectations

Customers will generally wait if your service is good and what you produce is also great, however you need to ensure you set realistic expectations. If you know that there is a 20 minute wait for coffee, tell the customer as they may need to be somewhere else and can’t wait that long. On the other hand, if it is a takeaway order, they may come back and get some other business done in the meantime. If there is a wait on food, let people know before they order so they can be prepared and not sit there worried that the order was forgotten or didn’t go through to the kitchen. Suggest some appetizers to start while they wait for their main meal. Whatever your service is, set expectations.

Greeting customers at the entrance

If you’re a venue of any kind, having someone greet you, especially during peak periods is a great way to start with your customers on the right foot. Don’t assume that everyone that enters your venue has been there before. Take the time to seat people if they are coming in for a meal and explain how the process works at your establishment. Is it table service, do you order at the counter? What are your specials? This is also a great opportunity to let customers know if there is a wait time of any kind. If there is a line at the door, quickly let everyone know how long tables will be or if you are full booked, let the line outside know so they are not waiting and getting all the way inside before finding out they can’t have a table at this particular time.

Service Staff

No matter how busy, ensure they take the time to read back orders. Check they have it right. Make sure they know what is on special or what you have run out of or if there is a special event taking place. Write it on cheat sheets and give it to each staff when they start their shift. You’ll be surprised how much more enjoyable their shift is when they can serve others well.

Service staff should never take food or drinks out and come back empty handed – my golden rule! Teach them to speak to customers as they pass by to check that everything is ok. Clear rubbish or empty glass and plates. There is always something that can be tidied, and it is a great way to meet your customers.

Check what you are serving your customers

Have the bubbles gone from the glass of sparkling you poured? Has the glass still got a lipstick stain? Are you pouring the beer they asked for? It is important to always be checking everything you serve and repeating the order or double checking if you forgot what it was exactly. Take the time, no matter how busy, to check that you are handing over the best product you can. Mistakes happen and little things can get missed such as lipstick on a glass, but it is your duty to check these details before handing to the customer.

The hospitality service industry is a great job and it can be so much fun. The are so many opportunities to be had and life skills to develop. The best part is you get to meet a variety of people from all walks of life, and you just never know the positive impact that you may have on someone else.

We offer customer service training and health checks for hospitality and event venues – reach out today to have an obligation free chat on how we can assist you.

Raelene Perkins - Founder of Strong Event Management Australia