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A Fundamental Requirement for Hospitality?

I often get asked by hospitality businesses if they should incorporate QR code ordering for their business. The answer to this question is with a question.

What is your reason behind having this feature?

hospitality event with QR ordering app

 QR Code Ordering at Hospitality Functions

If your answer is to enhance your already thriving hospitality business, then I say you should seriously consider it. It is a great feature that in some settings is ideal.

For example, I was at a venue on Brisbane River with some friends, and I can honestly say that without the QR app being on our table we would have ordered 50% less. Imagine that for a moment, how such a simple addition to a table can significantly contribute to profits.

We were so busy chatting and catching up that we didn’t leave our table and would take it in turns of ordering a round of drinks using this feature. It was perfect for our situation and the hospitality staff were efficient and pleasant when bringing out our drinks each time.

customer service at cafe - trained by strong events australia

 Ensure Hospitality Staff are Trained in Customer Relations

In more recent times I have noticed venues seating guests as they arrive and telling them to order through the QR code. One CBD venue I was at, we couldn’t get the app to work.

We knew full well how to operate it but for some reason it wouldn’t work for any of us. The hospitality staff didn’t care, so we left, and they missed out on our business which would have been a significant amount.

 Understand the Limits of QR Code Apps

Another venue in a tourist town had the same policy of ordering through the app. I saw an elderly couple that were unable to navigate the process and, looking disappointed and frustrated, they left.

At the same venue a couple ordered meals that had some requirements for dietary needs, and they assumed they had added the notes correctly to only have the wrong order come out. They were frustrated, unable to eat what was before them and asked for their money back to go somewhere else.

I observed these incidents in a short period of time as I sipped on a wine, and I wondered how much business they lose in a day because they push people to use the QR code?


person using qr ordering app at hospitality function

 Don’t Lose Sight of your Hospitality Training

In no way am I against the QR code, in fact I think it is a great idea but you need to ensure that you are using it in the right way for your business and for some businesses it may not be necessary at all.

Let’s ensure we are not losing our ability to engage with our customers and care for those that have taken the time to come to our business to spend their hard-earned money. By all means, use the QR ordering app if it’s suitable for your business model, but don’t forsake the critical need for continued hospitality staff training.

If you would like to discuss whether a QR app could work for your venue, then please reach out at any time.